A profesora Nancy Peralta, a través do seu
blog , ofrécenos unha guía rápida e moi útil para a utilización dos weblogs nas aulas, o seu artigo: "The Reading-Writing Connection: Internet Publishing made SIMPLE with Weblogs", contén informaicón e ligazóns moi útiles como apoio á aprendizaxe do uso dos blogs.
Ademais fai unha chamada ó uso desta ferramenta nas aulas:
"If youre looking for a powerful way to connect reading and writing across the curriculum, this class is for you! A weblog, or Blog, is a fun and easy way to publish a journal on the internet, and its guarenteed to get students writing like enlightened readers." Learn to blog and create a cass blog for a Standards based project of your choice! You and your students will share the excitement of collaborative writing and publishing for a real audience of readers ith this simple online software.Come onbe part of the BLOGOSPHERE!"